Australian Outback super-fruits are unique in the botanical world

Scientifically proven to be some of the worlds most powerful plants.

Intensely rich in nutrients essential for healthy skin, even when applied topically. Super-fruits with some of the highest known levels of bio-available nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and essential minerals.

Helping to create healthy radiant skin that is more resistant to aging.

Loaded with wondrous concentrations of exotically fragrant essential oils, shown to have powerful aromatherapy qualities that can give a sense of calm, relaxation and well-being. 

All botanical. No harmful chemicals. And smell like Heaven.

You CAN have the skin you have always dreamed of. With enhanced resistance to aging and wrinkles. At last! A simple, natural, skin care solution that works - and you can trust!

  • What is Kakadu Plum?

    A small green plum only found in Australia's rainforests. It has the highest concentration of vitamin C of any fruit or plant in the world. Up to 100 times more than an orange and many times more than the coveted “gold standard” blueberry*.  (see chart below)  You want lots of vitamin C. It is essential to vital and healthy looking skin.  Kakadu Plum significantly boosts the vitamin C content along with a multitude of other vitamins, minerals, protein, anti-oxidants, bioflavonoids, polysaccharides, and essential nutrients………all vital for healthy skin condition and youthful complexion.

  • Kakadu Plum’s Benefits for Your Skin

    It's the miracle discovery of the age. Kakadu Plum provides botanical emollients for hydration.  The vitamin C and CO-Q10 within it support collagen and elastin for youthful, soft and elastic skin.Kakadu Plum is also high in antioxidants which protect skin from oxidative stress damage. This is the very key to slowing aging and age resistant skin. Products with Kakadu Plum restore a youthful glow to your skin.

  • What is Lilly Pilly?

    The Lilly Pilly is a wild native Australian shrub massed with small exotic red and purple fruits exhibiting great anti-aging and skin tightening properties.

    High levels of antioxidants, amino acids and a myriad of vitamins all provide rich immune system boosters and clear skin.

  • Lilly Pilly’s Benefits for Your Skin

    Called the “medicine berry” by the indigenous population it is high in vitamin C, complex nutrients, trace minerals and fruit acids that improve firmness of the skin, keeping it radiant and youthful. This wonderful fruit extract has rejuvenating properties along with powerful natural cleansing agents tokeep your skin clean, healthy and vibrant.

  • What is Quandong?

    An unusual fruit that has wonderful properties that will help you have clear, vibrant skin.  Quandong is made up of 25% protein and 75% complex oils. Australian aborigines have been using Quandong for centuries as a powerful anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and medical paste. A wonderful source of vitamin E, folate, trace elements, immune system boosters, and Rutin which helpsreduce dark under eye circles andstrengthens the skin from the effects of aging.

  • Quandong’s Benefits for Your Skin

    Quandong restores a youthful glow and silky touch through the production of collagen and elastin.  Quandong smooths the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and helps protect skin against oxidative stress damage. Oxidative stress is the enemy of maintaining youthful good looks.

  • What is Lemon Aspen?

    This native Australian citrus, know as the “rainforest lemon” is a unique species, containing powerful phyto-active compounds excellent for skin cleansing, repair, anti-aging and collagen support.

    Relatively unknown to western science until recently, 3.5 ozs of Lemon Aspen contains the equivalent nutrients of the juice, zest, and pulp of six large lemons, with high levels of natural vitamin C which intensifies production of collagen. Collagen is that substance in everyone’s skin that enhances production of skin cells with benefits for anti-aging, skin repair and youthful appearance. Anti-oxidants from its triple acting ingredients reduce skin damage caused by free radicals.

  • Lemon Aspen’s Benefits for Your Skin

    Active constituents are Trytophan, Terpenoids and Flavone Glycosides which combine to assist in anti-aging intervention and skin repair. They build protein hydrolysate moisture in the skin and hair, provide potent anti-wrinkle and antioxidant benefits, anti-inflammatory agents for soothing and calming and is beneficial for skin-whitening. They also stimulate the growth of collagen in the skin reducing fine lines and wrinkles and reducing dark circles and puffiness under eyes. And, as an added bonus, adds a feeling of smoothness to the skin.

  • What is Lemon Myrtle?

    Lemon Myrtle is a small shrub or tree that grows in the sub-tropical areas of north eastern Australia. Traditionally used by indigenous Australians for cooking and medicinal purposes, the oil has extremely high Citral purity and is considered to be higher than lemongrass. Lemon Myrtle offers significant antibacterial and anti-fungal activity against seven bacteria and MRSA and superior to traditional Tea Tree Oil. It possesses significant antimicrobial activity against many bacterial organisms, Candida Albicans, and Propionibacterium Acnes.  Lemon Myrtle Oil has been found to have low toxicity at 1% dilution and excellent for topical antimicrobial products. Its major component, Citral, has sedative, antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties.

  • Lemon Myrtle’s Benefits for Your Skin

    Lemon Myrtle has excellent anti-bacterial and cleansing properties.Wonderful for mature or oily skin as it works as an effective astringent to help tighten pores and reduce skin irritation. It has powerful antibacterial properties which can assist with skin infections, such as acne and minor wounds. Incorporated into skin care it has skin whitening and anti-fatigue antioxidants which help to strengthen capillaries and minimize dark circles under the eyes.

  • What is Fragonia™?

    Fragonia™ is a wild harvested Australian native variety of tea-tree growing only in a relatively small area in south western Australia and is often hard to source due to rapidly increasing demand and limited supply. Fragonia essential oil has been called a miracle oil for its wonderful properties. Among the many listed are anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory. It strengthens the immune system and has aromatherapy properties of calming, relaxing and balancing. Also known for its fragrance which is soft, exotic and gorgeous!

  • Fragonia’s Benefits for Your Skin

    Studies have shown Fragonia to have significant anti-microbial activity, making it useful for deep cleansing and especially beneficial for pimples and acne. Our customers have reported excellent improvement for Acne and Rosacea conditions. (Australiana makes no medical claims). Fragonia essential oil helps with minor cuts and wounds, bites, stings, abrasions or as a gargle for sore throats. Highly beneficial to improving overall skin health.

  • What is Australian Sandalwood Seed Oil?

    For thousands of years, Australia's Aboriginal people recognized the benefits of the Australian Sandalwood tree. Used extensively in ceremonial burnings and carvings the seed kernel was used as a food and a traditional medicine for skin and internal afflictions. Elders passed down this ancient knowledge of the Sandalwood seed kernel as a remedy for sore joints, to heal sores, skin lesions, and burns. Traditional healers recommend rubbing the crushed kernel on the body to provide overall protection from the harsh Australian environment.  Rich in one of the rarest fatty acids found in the plant kingdom, Ximenynic acid, this seed oil contributes to several bio-activities including anti-inflammatory and vasodilation. Sandalwood seed oil has both Ximenynic and Oleic acids but with the characteristics of a carrier oil ... and with much more to offer. Oleic acid is found in much greater quantities in Sandalwood Seed oil than other more widely used nuts, such as almond oil.

    Research has identified the following pharmacological properties of Ximenynic acid:

    • Potent anti-inflammatory agent.
    • Increase micro-circulation in skin.
    • Micro-vascular constriction to reduce varicose veins and cellulitis.
    • Reduce hair loss.
    • Reduce sebum secretion (oily skin).
    • Reduce fat deposition under skin (Adipose tissue).

  • Australian Sandalwood Seed Oil’s Benefits for Skin

    It is a potent anti-inflammatory agent with healing properties for sores, skin lesions, burns and general skin protection.

    It increases micro-circulation in skin, micro-vascular constriction to reduce varicose veins and cellulitis.  Excellent for sebum reduction (reducing skin oiliness). It also may assist reducing fat deposits under skin (Adipose tissue).

    Ximenynic and Oleic acid are excellent for dry or aging skin as they penetrate easily and deeply into the epidermis (skin surface layer) replenishing moisture and stopping additional moisture evaporation. Oleic acid has the ability to restore the natural oil of skin, without clogging pores which leads to break outs.

    A key addition to our unique ingredient line-up.