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Australiana Botanicals

Powerhouse Trio

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Manuka. Unique to New Zealand. Manuka is most famous in honey. The same benefits are also in the essential oils, although not for internal use. Used by Maori people through the ages. Tested stronger and more effective than Tea Tree oil. Used for calming, soothing the soul, earthing and grounding. 

Lavender. Is everyone’s favourite oil for feelings of happiness, calm and relaxation. Produces softly seductive feelings of comfort, welcoming, peace and calm. Topically it can be used on your feet at night for calming and relaxation.

Kunzia. Truly a miracle discovery. Highly popular. Shown more effective than Tea Tree oil but with a softer more fragrant, non-clinical scent, often used to symbolize the Aussie bush.  A great “pick-me-up” after a tough day. Reduces feelings of tiredness and exhaustion.

    Powerhouse Trio